SERVICE REPORT FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM: Kitchen:Dry PowderCO2Other N/A Cooker Hoods:Dry PowderCO2SprinklerOther N/A Fire Dampers :YesNo Fusible Link:YesNo HOOD SYSTEM: Size of Hood:9 METERSWall MountDouble IslandSngl IslandOther N/A Cooking Volume:Very HighHighMediumLow Type of Filters:MeshBuffleOther N/A Filters in Place:YesNoN/A Condition of Hood: Before: CleanDirtyVery DirtyPhysical Damage After: CleanDirtyVery DirtyPhysical Damage DUCT SYSTEM Adequate access panel present?:YesNoPartly Complete access to the system?:YesNoPartly Condition of Duct System?:CleanDirtyVery DirtyPhysical Damage Entire System Cleaned?:YesNo EXHAUST FAN UpblastInlineUtilityBox Location: RoofGroundSide WalOther Condition of Fan Before: CleanDirtyVery DirtyPhysical Damage After: CleanDirtyVery DirtyPhysical Damage ECOLOGY UNIT YesNo Condition:GoodBad Inaccessible areas exist in the system:YesNoN/A Photos Attached: YesNo Additional Information Attached: YesNo