Ways to Deep Clean Your AC Unit At Home – Expert Tips
How To Deep Clean An AC unit Like a Professional?

How To Deep Clean An AC unit Like a Professional?

Air conditioners are an essential equipment of our homes. However they also play a vital role in making our offices and homes temperature on accurate level. Especially during summer season where 99% of people depend on the usage of air conditioner. Split air conditioners are now become so popular and they are majorly installed in every house. They keep our living spaces cool and maintain the indoor temperature.

But the prolong use of air conditioner can lead to bad air or might break your appliance. That is why it is important to maintain the cleaning of your AC unit. Some people think that if they wash the filtered of their air conditioner regularly they will get clean air for more than 10 years.

But that is a misconception! Deep cleaning of your air conditioner unit is important to full stop. It is vital not only to have free-flowing air but also to upgrade the life of your AC.

Step-by-Step Guide to Deep Clean Your AC At Home:

The Shamil team of experts is here to guide you on how you can deep clean your unit like a professional at your own home. They guide people that cleaning their inner division of AC is not enough to get an advantage over your old air conditioner for around years. That is why in their guide plan, we are going to discuss the best ways to deep clean your AC unit like a pro!

Step 1: Dry the Air-conditioner

Before cleaning your air conditioner, it is important to dry it. Run the air-conditioner in ‘Fan Mode’ for 30-40 minutes. However, it will help the moisture evaporate in the enviroment.

Step 2: Now Disconnect the Unit from Power Source

Always disconnect your air-conditioner from its power source before cleaning it to avoid any accidents.

Step 3: Cover the AC Unit with a Cleaning Bag

Have a large garbage bag or an air-conditioner bag around the indoor AC unit. However, this way, you can catch all the falling dirt and drippings.

Step 4: Detach the AC Front Panel

Undo the latches or push the tabs that grab the front panel of the indoor unit of your air-conditioner. After doing this, lift the panel upwards carefully to access the inside of your unit.

Step 5: Wash the Air Filters

Wash the air filters with mild soap and clean cool water. This way, you can get rid of the small dirt particles. After that, simply rinse the filters thoroughly and air-dry them entirely before you put them back.

Step 6: Clean the Bacteria Filters

Some models have bacteria filters that will require cleaning. However, this way ou can similarly clean them as you would wash the air filters.

Step 7: Clean the Cooling Fins

The cooling fins are metallic lines that fit in the AC. However, they are visible once you remove the air filters. Now, use an air blower to clean off the dust from the cooling fins. However, you can also spray the air conditioner cleaner on the fins perfectly and let them dry off.

Step 8: Clean the Coils:

The coils are rounded metal pieces running across the center of the indoor unit. Use a no-rinse evaporator spray to clean these coils.

Step 9: Antifungal Spray:

An air-conditioner antifungal spray helps in curbing mold growth in the inner parts of the unit. Employ the spray to clean the coils and fins where toxins bacterias are most likely to form.

Step 10: Fix the Air on the Edge and Filters Back:

Before you fit the air and bacteria filters back into the AC, make sure they are dry. Fix both the filters back inside the AC. Cover the filters by fixing the front panel. Lock the panel properly and wash it with a dry cloth.


Cleaning and maintaining your air-conditioner is one of the best ways to enhance the lifespan of the appliance. However, most people wanted to know how often the AC should be cleaned as well. Read our previous blog, in which The Shamil expert guides you on the timespan for cleaning your AC unit.

Moreover, you can control your overall household energy consumption. If you are looking to clean a new split air conditioner for your home or office, you can connect with The Shamil expert cleaners now. Moreover, you can also contact our customer service team for any assistance or advice.

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